ROOTS ART - the idea

SONYA calls her art ROOTS  ART. This expression contains the basic idea of her work: We may not forget our roots because “without roots there are no wings”.


This already starts  in the early childhood where everyone should get the most important roots: The basic confindence which is given to the litte child by the adult by being there all the time for it, by caring for it with love and by keeping constant body contact with the child for making it feel protected and save. Then it can become a happy, harmonic, responsible adult who can lead happy relationships.


Also the roots with our anchestors, our forefathers and with our history are there, as well as the roots with the country we live in and those with the global culture and the cultures of the primitive people (who we were also one day a long time ago). We should all bring into our minds that we have common roots with all the people on this planet and  that therefore we are all one big family. The cultures should not regard each other as a threatening but as an enrichment for each other and they should act according to that - they also should get to know each other better.


Equally important for SONYA is the world of the emotions and of the intuition, the “collective subconscious” and the interior of the individual.


Everybody should recognize his talents and develop his potential. You have to follow your heart and your wishes because they are the connection with your Higher Guidance (you could say the “roots towards above”).


SONYA is of the opinion that art should never be boring and that it should make people happy.


All people should live in a surrounding which which is so perfectly adopted to their indivduality and needs that it makes them happy,  gets the best out of them and makes them be completely themselves. (Therefore also ROOTS ARCHITECTURE und ROOTS INTERIOR DESIGN where the surrounding is adopted to the people and not the other way round as it is mostly the case in our cultures)




[SONYA-WORLD] [English] [SONYA - the life of the artist] [the art of SONYA] [ROOTS ART - the idea] [BODY ART] [the paintings] [Photography] [ROOTS ARCHITECTURE] [ROOTS EVENTS+PARTIES] [contact SONYA here !!!!!] [Deutsch]

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